Summer comes to a conclusion after Labor Day Monday, September 4th, at least in many people’s eyes. Some folks get ready for fall; football games, soccer, leaves changing colors, and Halloween etc.. Others start thinking about snow.
Did you know that in 1971 we received a total of 17.2” of snow in September alone? Best start thinking about those snow tires! On average, we only get about 1” of snow in the month of September, but that’s hard to believe that snow is around the corner with the heat we’ve experienced in August 2023. Denver averages about 57” per year as recorded by the National Weather Service. I would admit, that really doesn’t seem like much snow for Downtown Denver. Maybe it’s the heat from the sun melting the snow so quickly that gives the appearance that there’s no snow. Funny, when I speak with my family back in CT, they always say, “Hey, you got a lot of snow the other day. ” I’d reply, “it was the mountains that got it, we barely got a trace!” Regardless of how you feel about snow, let it be known it is coming!
The QR Code below gives historical snowfall perspective over a 140-year period on the amount of snow we can expect on average to receive over the next number of months.